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最好的时代,最坏的时代:教职员工如何支持学生度过难关 他们所有人


Office of 校友关系Office of 校友关系
September 11, 2023

随着新学年的开始,教职员工正准备支持我们的大学 of Northern Colorado (UNC) students. Faculty and staff support students every day 通过他们在皇冠app官方版下载的角色,但有些人选择超越并捐赠他们的 time, expertise and funding. A popular method of giving is through payroll deductions, which make it easy to support the various areas in need across campus. 在皇冠app官方版下载,那里 似乎无止境的事业是否取决于捐赠者的热情和愿望. 因此,我们将深入研究一些捐助者资助的事业,UNC faculty and staff support. All are welcome to support these vital scholarships and services (and many alumni employers offer matches for employee donations!). 

Asian Pacific American Student Services Lei Campaign 

亚太美国学生服务中心(APASS)帮助亚太地区的学生 岛民学生与他们的社区联系,庆祝和尊重他们的文化 遗产. 

该中心促进学生在情感、文化和学术上的成功 包括一年一度的“给雷”活动,该活动为即将毕业的学生提供资助 from Hawai’i with a lei during commencement.  

“Receiving a lei during graduation made walking the line extra special. 感觉就像 当我走过讲台接受毕业证书时,我有一种家的感觉. 在所有疯狂的毕业季,人们花时间做了一把 来自太平洋中部一个小岛的学生们感到很特别. I am so grateful to have received this kind of Aloha from the UNC 社区.” 

          ——Kaori Nishioka, 23岁,小学教育专业毕业生,土生土长的夏威夷人 from Hilo, Hawai’i. 

“给雷”活动是纪念夏威夷文化传统的一种方式 来庆祝北卡大学学生的成就 they’ll surely never forget. 给 to the 2023-24 Lei Campaign 

Performing and Visual 艺术 Travel Fund 

表演及视觉艺术旅游基金(PVA旅游基金)已资助超过 100 students this year alone to take their craft to the next level. UNC Choir students 能在2023年5月去纽约卡内基音乐厅演出吗 财政上的担忧多亏了那些向PVA旅行基金捐款的捐赠者. 

“当我们发现旅行的费用将由PVA旅行基金支付时,这是一笔巨大的 weight was lifted off my shoulders. I was able to focus on the music we'd be performing 在卡内基,而不是担心我是否有足够的钱去第一次 的地方. 我在纽约的不可思议的经历重新点燃了我对音乐的热情.” 

          - Emma Larson, a class of 2025 Music Education major 

在课堂之外,像这次卡内基音乐厅之旅这样的机会是不可能的 without donor support. 

现实世界的机会不仅能让学生重新振作起来,提醒他们自己是谁 努力工作,也让他们获得宝贵的经验,这将给 them an edge when starting their career after graduation. Part of what makes UNC’s 表演和视觉艺术项目如此受欢迎是因为它的奉献精神 students the experience necessary to succeed in their field.  给 to the PVA Travel Fund 

Geographic Information Science Field Experience  

对于正在攻读地理,地理信息系统和可持续发展学位的学生,实地经验 are crucial for preparing them for their careers. In the past year alone, Geography 学生们前往密西西比河亲眼目睹了修复工作 同时向带头他们的个人学习,以及参加地区会议 参加会议,了解各自领域的职业、雇主和项目. 

参与这些类型的体验可以改变学生们看待事物的方式 他们正在进入的领域,并激励他们走上一条他们可能没有的道路 被认为是. For Ryan, who attended the GIS in the Rockies regional conference held in Denver, the experience was overwhelmingly positive. 

“我们能够见到各种不同的GIS设备,看看他们在做什么 接下来,申请工作,看看正在实施的一些新技术 在野外. The greatest part of the conference was getting to see all the different presenters, and the wide range of projects that they had worked on.” 

          - Ryan Peiffer ’23, a Geography with a GIS concentration graduate 

皇冠app官方版下载的学生们发现,感谢捐助者对“课堂外”体验的支持 新的激情和拓宽他们的视野,有些人甚至可能找到工作 connections they make. 给 to the Geography Program 

Student Emergency Support Fund  

 学生紧急支持基金是支持皇冠app官方版下载学生的基础 departments, class years and personal circumstances. In the 2022-2023 academic year, the Fund awarded 52 awards to students in need, totaling $37,525. These awards were 完全依靠北卡大学员工、家长和校友的捐款. 

该基金的奖金用于支付紧急租金、汽车维修和交通费用, 紧急情况后去看望家人,以及意外的医疗费用和服务. 是否获得这些资金可以决定学生是否继续就读 在UNC.  

“那时离毕业还有两个月,我和一个家人住在校外 who was at high risk for COVID. I needed to stay living in the area to continue classes, 继续工作并获得精神保健,但我不能继续拿我的家人冒险 成员的健康. I was able to secure safe housing with the money I received from the Emergency Support Fund. I don’t think I would have gotten to graduation without 这种援助. It emphasized for me how much the UNC 社区 cares." 
A recent alumna and Emergency Support Fund recipient 

财政援助办公室主任马蒂·索梅洛(Marty Somero)就是其中之一 grateful for this resource and the incredible donors who fund it. 

“Our donors have been incredible! Time and time again they have come through for fellow Bears," expresses Somero. “These funds have been a true blessing in helping students 克服生活中的障碍,坚持到毕业.” 给 to the Emergency Support Fund 

当你选择向皇冠app官方版下载提供奖学金或基金时,你的影响是直接感受到的 by the students who need it most. Whether your contribution allows students to stay 在动荡时期注册,旅行练习他们的手艺或获得洞察力和 与他们的职业相关的经验,它赋予学生力量,让他们放心 他们的小熊网络会在他们最好和最坏的时刻支持他们. 

如果你觉得自己受到鼓舞,愿意为上述任何一个原因捐款,或者你有其他原因 that aligns with your philanthropic vision, please visit 我们的捐赠页面. 如果你是UNC的员工,想增加或增加工资扣除 gift, please visit our UNC employee giving page.