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Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education Strategies in Teacher Preparation 项目

ELL Initial Teacher Licensure Reauthorization Faculty 研讨会

In 2018 Colorado passed legislation requiring all initial teacher licensure programs to have at least 6 credit hours or 90 clock hours to address English Language Learners (ELL) Educator Provider Standards. The UNC ELL Support Team for Initial Licensure 项目 formed by the CEBS Dean worked with 30 plus programs from 2019 to 2021 to have all the programs approved by CDE for compliance by February 2021. During AY 2021-2022,  the UNC ELL Support Team will host three workshops focusing on integrating promising CLD strategies into instructional planning and instructional implementation in the 场. 

These workshops go beyond compliance and aim at enhancing the quality of UNC’s teacher prep programs across the kK12 content areas in their effort to prepare culturally and linguistically responsive teachers.


Incorporating CLD Considerations at the Level of Instructional Planning: What are Crucial Elements that Cannot be Ignored?  Presented on 10/26/2021 by Drs .金妮黄 and Deborah Romero

Watch Recorded Session (ASL Interpreting Included)


Incorporating CLD Perspectives at the Level of Lesson Delivery in the Field: What Should a Supervisor Look For?

  • Wednesday, February 23, 2022
  • 上午11:30至下午1:00
  • 由博士领导. 金妮黄 and Deborah Romero

This workshop will support methods instructors and 场 supervisors with tools for observations and evaluation of teacher candidates’ lesson delivery with a focus on promising practices/strategies in the K-12 classroom with diverse learners, including CLD的学生.


Identify key elements in lesson observation of classes with CLD的学生

Explore what it looks like when content specific language outcomes are considered in lesson delivery for all students, especially English language learners, including:

  • Prior Knowledge and Background
  • Comprehensible Input and Pushed Output
  • Strategies and Activities
  • Review and 评估 (All embedded in the Implementation)

Faculty will have time to discuss and work on potential adaptations to lesson observation rubrics based on elements presented in this session.Please bring observation rubrics to the workshop, if possible.


This workshop is intended for all instructors of 方法课程 and all UNC 场 supervisors (faculty or part time supervisors) as well as all teacher education faculty working in UNC’s teacher preparation programs across the campus 在所有学科中.

Connecting CLD Strategies to Content Literacy Across the Curriculum

  • Wednesday, March 23, 2022
  • 上午11:30至下午1:00
  • Faculty panel led by Drs. 金妮黄 and Deborah Romero

小组成员: Dr. 麦琪·伯格博士. Laura Hamman-Ortiz and Dr. 布莱恩罗斯

This workshop will support methods instructors and 场 supervisors with tools for observations and evaluation of teacher candidates’ lesson delivery with a focus on Academic Language and Literacy for content learning and school success in the K-12 classroom with diverse learners, including CLD的学生.


Exploration of topics covered in the content-based literacy courses for preservice 教师,包括:

  • Second Language Acquisition theories & 分化
  • Proficiency Level Descriptors (PLDs) and Can Do Descriptors
  • Framing Academic Language & content based/disciplinary literacy
  • Content Standards and WIDA Standards

Presenters will cover key topics and highlight what to look for in terms of SIOP lesson 设计与交付.


This workshop is intended for all instructors of 方法课程 and all UNC 场 supervisors (faculty or part time supervisors) as well as all teacher education faculty working in UNC’s teacher preparation programs across the campus 在所有学科中.