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Board of Trustees June 14, 2024


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I.    Call to Order/Roll/Approval of Agenda 
      Chair Monfort 

II.   Consent Agenda (Monfort)
       A.  Minutes of the February 22, 2024 Finance and Audit Committee Meeting
       B.  Minutes of the February 23, 2024 Board of Trustees Meeting 
       C.  Minutes of the May 3, 2024 Finance and Audit Committee Meeting
       D.  FY2025 Board Calendar  

III.   Election of Board Secretary (Monfort

IV.   Opening Comments and Reports
        A.  President's Report (Feinstein)
                i.  Personnel Report
               ii.  Newly Established Fund Report 
        B.  Faculty Senate Report (Senbet)
        C.  Student Government Association Report (J. Martinez)
        D.  Classified Staff Council Report (Mondy)
        E.  Professional Administrative Staff Council Report (Chavez)
        F.  Board Chair's Comments (Monfort)

V.     Reports of Committees of the Board
         A.  Finance and Audit Committee (Anton)
         B.  Ad Hoc Campaign Committee (Monfort, Steg Haskett)

VI.    Public Comment 

VII.   Action Items
         A.  Board Policy Manual Amendment (English)
                 i.  Section 2-3-107(2) The Liberal Arts Council (LAC)
         B.  Emeritus Faculty Recommendations (Fleming)
         C.  Faculty Promotion and Tenure Recommendations (Fleming)
         D.  FY2025 Budget Approval (Pratt)
         E.  FY2026 State Capital Construction Request (Pratt)
         F.  Recommended Sale of University Real Property (Pratt)
         G.  UNC President Employment Agreement Amendment (Monfort, English
         H.  Room Name Change(Pratt)
          I.   Resolutions of Appreciation (Monfort)
                  i.  Trustee Patricia Barela Rivera
                 ii.  Trustee Jazmin Martinez
                iii.  Trustee Angela Vaughan 

VIII. Discussion Items
         A.  Legislative Review (Tibbals)
         B.  IM&T Cybersecurity Update (Pratt, Wyperd, Langford)
         C.  Rowing, Not Drifting 2030
                 i.  Phase II Accomplishments (Feinstein)
                ii.  Phase III Priorities (Fleming)
          D.  Enrollment Update (Lien, Finley)

IX.    Executive Session 

Pursuant to§24-6-402(3)(b)(I) C.R.S. the University of Northern Colorado Board of Trustees will go into Executive Session to            receive legal advice regarding a personnel matter, and, pursuant to §24-6-402(3)(a)(II), C.R.S. to receive legal advice regarding issues about changes in the organizational relationship between the Board and the University Foundation.  

X.     Adjourn