


罗斯·范·戴恩 和 her fellow Musical Theatre students were featured in “好戏上演。” 在2018秋冬版 UNC杂志.



一位成功的演员,歌手,钢琴家和表演者,校友罗斯·范·戴恩18反映 讲述她在皇冠app官方版下载的经历和支持系统是如何推动她前进并做好准备的 她现在的职业是音乐剧. 

现在是2018年春假. 罗斯·范·戴恩走上杰里·奥巴赫剧院的舞台 in New York City along with her fellow musical theater seniors to perform in their 高级展示. 
“高级展示 is something that all the musical theater performers really look 期待. [You] try to do your best 和 get the most out of the experience,” Van 达因说. “I think a lot of us build up so much pressure on ourselves, but at the 说到底,这只是一次试镜. 这只是一个尝试.” 
“我很幸运. I think I had two or three agents that were interested in reaching out after my performance 和 I ended up signing with one of them. 所以这真的是 对我来说是令人兴奋的经历. 如果我不这样做,我就不会见到[我的经纪人] 皇冠app官方版下载的展示,”范戴恩说. 
This was the moment that kickstarted Van Dyne’s career, but she didn’t always know 她想从事音乐剧. 皇冠app官方版下载改变了她的想法,打开了她的思维 to the possibility of turning her lifelong passions into a career. 
“音乐是我成长过程中重要的一部分. 我只是从来没把它当成 一个可行的职业选择,”范戴恩说. “实际上,我还有其他的学术抱负 一直到我高三的三月. 我参加了戏剧大会 之前的12月在丹佛,北卡大学的代表也在那里 试镜. I just decided, honestly, on a whim, to drive up to Greeley 和 to do an 试镜就是想看看是什么感觉. 我觉得对我来说很明显 the st和ard 和 quality of performance level at UNC was very high. 最终,它 是一位教授和我交谈,回答了我所有的问题,安抚了我的情绪吗 我对上大学的恐惧.” 
而她最初进入皇冠app官方版下载的唯一目的是追求音乐剧 学位,她的愿望,以保持她的终身钢琴技能以及支持她 从皇冠app官方版下载教师那里得到的鼓励她也学习钢琴. 
“When I decided to go to UNC, it was to be primarily in the musical theater program 作为一名表演者,”范·戴恩解释道. “然后我想,‘好吧,我不想给 up playing piano for the rest of my life, because I've already spent so much time doing it, so I'll just take the extra classes so that I can keep up my musicianship 这两件事实际上是相辅相成的,因为我后来成为了主要伴奏者 for all of my classmates [in] the years below me,” Van 达因说. 
“我得到了大卫·葡萄、约翰·伦纳德、马修·哈里克和谢利的支持 加沙. They all were really, really excited to give me opportunities to play [piano], 对此我非常感激,”范·戴恩解释道. 
她于2018年春季毕业,成绩为B.A. 在音乐剧方面,获得B.A. 文科 with a Piano Emphasis, a minor in Spanish 和 an 艺术 Entrepreneurship certificate 搬到纽约,参加试镜,并在百老汇以外的地方出演了她的处女作 《皇冠app官方版下载》的制作.” 
“这很有趣,因为我在皇冠app官方版下载的春季觉醒中扮演了同样的角色,所以 it was like a reprisal of the role, which was really, really fun. 感觉是这样的 gave me an edge on the material when I was going in for a professional production 因为我已经很熟悉了,”范戴恩说. 
“最有可能的是,我被选中是因为他们看到我之前的简历上有这个角色. 我去试镜,结果发现迈克尔·卡萨拉,我的舞伴 是在柯林斯堡的高中认识的,是选这个角色的人. 所以真的很不错 看到另一张熟悉的面孔,”范·戴恩解释道. 
In the production, she starred alongside fellow UNC alum Yamuna Meleth ’13, which illustrated to her how the community at UNC extends far beyond the campus limits. 
“I didn't know that Yam went to UNC until we already started rehearsals,” Van Dyne 说. “[It’s] really amazing that there's a network of people, a community of people beyond UNC, even as far as New York City, that you don't even know of, 和 it was 以这种方式了解她真的很令人兴奋.” 
From that first production she’s gone on to work as an actor 和 music director in 一系列令人印象深刻的作品,包括美国剧院联队的作品 俄勒冈莎士比亚节,开箱戏剧,AMDA和混血剧院. 
在过去的几年里,她参与了百老汇重新开业的《皇冠app官方版下载》,主演 Sara Bareilles, 和 music directed the Asian-American musical “Baked! 音乐。” the Queer punk musical, “TL;DR” (short for Thelma Louise; Dyke Remix) 和 Sara Porkalob’s 在她的“龙循环”的第三部戏题为“龙宝宝”与美国话剧团 剧院(艺术).  
“I think that when I moved to New York, I had this mentality of only wanting to be a performer, 和 then being able to have my piano skills on the side as a means of income, but particularly over the last year 和 a half, my eyes have been [opened] to the possibilities of working on the music side of all of these shows,” Van Dyne 说. 
她希望在她前进的道路上继续探索这个行业的音乐方面 她事业的下一步. 
“我非常非常幸运能参与莎拉主演的百老汇《皇冠app官方版下载》(Waitress)的重新公演 今年八月,在巴黎. 这是一个完整的窗口,让我们看到它真正的样子 be like to work full-time as a music director 和 a music assistant. 所以我在探索 这是音乐的另一方面,因为我在研究生院,我不能承诺完整的表演 合同. This is such a great way for me to stay a part of the industry until I'm 准备好回来,然后,希望,追求表演和音乐导演。 达因说. 
除了《皇冠app官方版下载》,范·戴恩还参与了几部电影的制作 visibility to marginalized groups, such as “Interstate” 和 “Cambodian Rock B和.” 她利用这些经历来帮助塑造她的包容性和多样性的目标 在她自己的作品中. 
“我几乎只写酷儿作品,亚裔美国人写的作品, 黑人的声音和原住民的声音. 我非常非常幸运能拥有这一切 我可以使用. And I have now taken that to be a part of my own work so that when I'm the one hiring somebody for a b和, or casting a show, or can bring a friend in on a project, I am super intentional about who can be given an opportunity who may 以前从未得到过这样的机会,”范戴恩说. 
She is also affiliated with several organizations focused on supporting members of 在音乐剧中工作的未被充分代表的群体,比如《皇冠app安卓下载安装》(in The Margin)、《皇冠app官方版下载》 和“缪斯女神.” 
“I think that there is a huge reckoning happening all over the world, 和 the arts 百老汇行业也不例外,它揭示了事情一直以来的样子 rather than how they should have been in terms of diversity, equity 和 inclusion. 所以我对我所看到的这些惊人的项目感到非常非常兴奋 那些正在被讲述的故事是由那些应该被讲述的人创造的 讲述那些故事. 我几乎无意中发现自己属于合适的群体 我们所有人都有相似的目标赋予那些 没有被充分代表,”范·戴恩说. 
她目前正在纽约大学攻读音乐剧声乐教育学硕士学位 在伯克利的波士顿音乐学院,希望进一步发展她作为一个音乐家的技能 作为一名教育者. 
“我偶尔给人们上钢琴课、声乐课和乐理课 从我大约16岁开始,”范·戴恩说. “我认为我的意图 读研究生是双重的. 一个是专业的,所以我可以做自由职业者 音乐导演兼演员. 我很兴奋,拿到学位后马上就能回来 去纽约. I think the skills that I will learn here, in terms of being a voice 教练和声音老师,将极大地帮助我展示自己作为一个音乐总监 in the room, but also, of course, as a means of extra income while I'm working as 也是个演员. So I find that all three of these are so closely related in my mind 和 are the core of what I enjoy about performing as a vocalist, a pianist 和 as 一个老师.” 
她希望有一天能成为一直支持她的教授 她的大学生活. 
“我有一个愿望,将来有一天,成为一名大学教授,类似的 在皇冠app官方版下载教过我的教授们. 我真的很期待那一章 这样我就可以成为那些需要帮助的人的指导性导师 去追求这个,”范·戴恩说. 
She also hopes to promote the voices of marginalized groups in musical theater in 她未来的教授生涯. 
“我认为全国各地的很多项目,几乎每一个项目, 在师资和指导方面缺乏多样性,特别是在BIPOC、酷儿和残疾人方面 想要从事这个职业的演员. 所以这是我真正关注的问题 希望能有所帮助,”范·戴恩说. 
她回想起她在皇冠app官方版下载获得的社区、支持和教育是如何帮助她的 her to overcome challenges she faced 和 to achieve the career she has today. 
“我很感谢皇冠app官方版下载专门为我提供表演方面的培训. UNC非常清楚 表演是它的音乐剧课程的重点,我非常非常欣赏. 我认为随着你的成长,任何大学经历都有它自己的困难 作为一个人. And so something I'm really grateful for from my time at UNC is 我学会了如何为自己的需求辩护. 如果我觉得有什么我 wanted or needed, I learned the communication skills to work closely with my peers 还有我的教授们,以确保我们都尽力得到我们所能得到的 在那短暂的四年里. 所以我真的,真的很高兴能够 study as many different things as I could at UNC,” Van 达因说. 
“我也很感激这个社区. 我们这些一起上学的人,我们 all over the place now, all over the country 和 internationally. 这让我很欣慰 我知道如果我在街上看到他们中的任何一个,那将是如此的光荣和 happy reunion because we went through a lot together 和 I'm happy that we're all 在它的另一边,”范·戴恩说. 
She emphasizes the importance of community in supporting college students 和 how 她在北卡大学的社区帮助她取得了成功. 
“我认为,就像在许多行业一样,尤其是在艺术领域,你认识的人就是一切. [You should] truly treasure the relationships that you're fostering. 所以它只是 through the comradery of my classmates that we all could endure the four years of grueling classwork [和 the] personal turmoil that happens to everyone when you're 年龄在18到22岁之间,还要适应格里利这样一个不同的生活环境. 所以我认为,通过找到你的人的支持,你可以 让它通过这类程序.” 
她还强调,了解自己是最重要的事情之一 学生可以在他们的大学生涯中做什么. 
“我想说的是,要明智地利用你的时间,这样每一刻你都可以 试着从你的同龄人、教授那里了解你自己, 从与音乐剧毫无关系的地方,因为作为一个人的成长 生存是你在大学本科期间能做的最重要的事情, 和 the rest will come if you foster who it is you are first,” Van 达因说. 
While at UNC, Van Dyne received multiple scholarships, including the Frank G. 和 贝蒂·奥特森表演和视觉艺术奖学金,乔·特纳森家庭奖学金 表演和视觉艺术,以及uhealth奖学金. 


While at UNC, Van Dyne was supported by numerous scholarships, including the Frank G. 和 Betty Ottesen Performing 和 Visual 艺术 Scholarship, the Joe Tennessen Family Scholarship 表演和视觉艺术,以及uhealth奖学金.