
常见问题 about Planning Accessible Programs

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  • 我需要提供住宿吗?

    All events that take place on the 北科罗拉多大学 campus must allow 残疾人充分参与. 必须给予充分的通知,以便残疾人 participants can make their accommodation needs known in a timely manner.

  • How much 请注意 does a participant 有残疾 have to provide to be entitled 去住宿?

    There is no “cutoff” point after which the event sponsor has no obligation to provide 临时通知的住宿. 一个活动的赞助商需要做一个好的 faith effort to provide an appropriate accommodation upon request. 考虑的是什么 a reasonable accommodation depends in part with the amount of time to secure the accommodation 活动赞助商已经确定. 在策划活动的最初阶段,赞助商 should consider how the organization intends to respond upon receiving a request for 通常要求的住宿,如.g.,翻译,字幕,轮椅通道, 等. On the other hand, requests for accommodation made only a few days before an event may mean that no qualified interpreters/captioners are available. 每当一个 event sponsor becomes aware that the organization is going to be unable, for any reason, to satisfactorily respond to a request for accommodation to a University event, the event sponsor should immediately notify the 残疾人士资源中心.

  • We haven’t received any accommodation requests yet for our event. 法律要求我这样做吗? 提供住宿(如.g.、翻译、轮椅通道等.)不在时 of a request from a specific individual 有残疾?

    Although in general requests for accommodation are initiated by the participant with a disability, the larger the number of folks expected to 参加 an event, the stronger the legal presumption that the event sponsor has planned in advance upon the possibility that such a request will be received and there is an expectation that the sponsor is “ready to go” when such a request for accommodation is received, even on short 请注意. It is therefore especially important that, even before an actual request for accommodation from an individual is received, the sponsor of a University event develops 如何提供住宿的计划.g.(对聋人)表示尊重 to an event held in one of the campuses large facilities. 因此,只要有可能 public events should not be scheduled at a location that is not wheelchair accessible. Please note that public events scheduled to be held in facilities that are not wheelchair accessible are required to have an alternate wheelchair accessible location in mind 应否提出轮椅通道的要求.

  • If I need a sign language interpreter where do I go to get one?

    To request a sign language interpreter or real time captionist for your on-campus event, contact the 残疾人士资源中心 as soon as possible to make the necessary 安排.

  • Should I just go ahead and book ASL interpreters for my event? 有备无患, right?

    Individuals who are Deaf or have other hearing impairments (i.e.耳背的, 口腔)可能需要一种不同的适应方式. 并非所有聋人都能说流利的英语 in sign language, so it cannot be assumed that simply providing an American Sign Language interpreter will be an appropriate accommodation for everyone. 因此,有 many reasons that knowledgeable sponsors wait to actually receive a request for accommodation before committing to a specific approach to accommodation. 具体来说,许多在 disability community look with disfavor on generically just having sign language interpreters hired to sign to an “empty seat” if no Deaf individuals have indicated they plan to 参加. In addition, hiring interpreters when there may not be Deaf people in 参加ance can end up tying up a scarce resource (interpreters) and keeping others from engaging interpreters in situations where a Deaf person actually will be in 参加ance. In the absence of a specific request, it may be more effective to secure real-time captioning 为了你的活动. If you end up making accommodation 安排 without a request from an individual 有残疾, take extra steps to let those in the UNC and local Deaf communities know that this accommodation is definitely being offered. In this way, they may be more encouraged to 参加, and you will have made the most of 住宿资源.

  • Who pays the cost of disability accommodations at extracurricular events?

    The sponsoring department, unit, or organization should plan for the expense of  accommodations necessary for any participant 有残疾 to 参加 (just as the sponsor bears 与举办活动有关的所有其他费用). 看到 为访问做预算 页面. There are instances when the 残疾人士资源中心 will provide an accommoditon 校园活动. 请联系刚果民主共和国了解更多信息. 

  • What is the responsibility of the 残疾人士资源中心 for event planning?

    The 残疾人士资源中心 (DRC) is funded to provide (and pay for) accommodations to enable students with disabilities to access their academic program. DRC是 often asked for advice and assistance by other campus departments/units and student organizations when they receive a request for accommodation from an event participant 有残疾.

    The DRC provides “technical assistance” to sponsors of events who have been asked 提供所要求的住宿(例如.g.在美国,许多活动赞助商不知道如何 arrange for a captioner or sign language interpreter at events they are putting on). 这种技术援助是免费的.