

The 专业教育局 (压电陶瓷) is a representative faculty council, charged via Board Policy to represent and act on behalf of the Teacher Education 教师 in the governance of teacher education programs in the University and to fulfill the 以下职责:

  • To recommend overall goals for the teacher education program;
  • To recommend policies for student admission, retention, and exit requirement for the 教师教育项目;
  • 就专业发展政策提出建议;
  • To recommend policies, in consultation with affected academic units, for teacher education program design, implementation, operation, evaluation, modification, and decision-making, 包括指定必修课程; 
  • To ensure that all teacher education programs comply with all applicable rules and standards including professional teacher 教育认证标准;
  • To adopt and revise rules of operation for its bylaws; and
  • To perform any other relevant duty assigned to it by the chair with consent of the 压电陶瓷.

The Dean of the 教育与行为科学学院, and Professional Education Unit Head, shall have the authority and responsibility for the overall administration 协调教师教育项目.

压电陶瓷 reviews curriculum for all programs offered by UNC for the purpose of preparing teachers and other school personnel to work in p-12 settings. 压电陶瓷提供输入 decisions about new degree programs; minors, emphasis areas, licensures and endorsements; courses with a major change; courses with a minor change; and certificates


In recognition that the essential purpose of programs designed to prepare professional staff for schools is to provide for and improve upon the education of school children, this document is created to specify the membership and general authority of the elected representatives of the Teacher Education 教师 at the 北科罗拉多大学, which shall be known as the 专业教育局, with the provision that articles subscribed to here shall be consistent with the Constitution of the University 北科罗拉多学院. 


  • 第一条:名称 
    • 第一节. 这个名字. The organization defined by these bylaws shall be called the University of Northern 科罗拉多州专业教育委员会(压电陶瓷).

  • 第二条:目的
      • 第一节. 压电陶瓷的目的. The 专业教育局 (压电陶瓷) is a representative faculty council, as defined in 2-3-104(3), Representative 教师 委员会, of the Board Policy Manual, that is established to represent and act on behalf of the Teacher Education 教师, as defined in 2-3-107(4)(a), The 专业教育局 (压电陶瓷), of the Board Policy Manual, in the governance of teacher education programs in the University and to fulfill 分配给它的职责如下. 教育与行为学院院长 Sciences shall have the authority and responsibility for the overall administration 协调教师教育项目.
      • 第二节. 责任. The 压电陶瓷 shall have the following responsibilities and duties:
        • To recommend overall goals for the teacher education program;
        • To recommend policies for student admission, retention, and exit requirement for the 教师教育项目;
        • 就专业发展政策提出建议;
        • To recommend policies, in consultation with affected academic units, for teacher education program design, implementation, operation, evaluation, modification, and decision-making, 包括指定必修课程;
        • To ensure that all teacher education programs comply with all applicable rules and standards including professional teacher 教育认证标准;
        • To adopt and revise rules of operation for its bylaws; and
        • To perform any other relevant duty assigned to it by the chair with consent of the 压电陶瓷. (根据董事会政策手册2-3-107(4)(e))
      • 第三节. 与教务委员会的关系. The chair of the 压电陶瓷 shall report to the 教师 Senate and shall submit a written summary of the 压电陶瓷's actions to the 教师 Senate each year before June 30. 每一个 policy recommended by the 压电陶瓷 shall be forwarded to the 教师 Senate for approval, and unless vetoed by the 教师 Senate within 30 working days of its receipt by the 教师 Senate, which must include two regularly scheduled meetings of the 教师 Senate, shall be deemed to have been approved by the 教师 Senate. 教务委员会 may not veto any proposed policy which is mandated by Colorado legal requirements, rules/standards of the Colorado State Board of Education, or any professional teacher 教育认证标准. (根据董事会政策手册2-3-107(4)(f))
      • 第四节. Relationship to the 教育与行为科学学院. 教育与行为学院院长 Sciences shall provide staff 以及为临时选举委员会提供支援服务. (根据董事会政策手册2-3-107(4)(g))
  • 第三条:成员
    • 第一节. 成员. The 压电陶瓷 shall consist of voting members, advisory (无投票权)成员, and ex-officio (无投票权)成员.
    • 第二节. 投票成员. Voting members of the 压电陶瓷 are faculty who represent the Teacher Education 教师.
      • 一个分段. The voting members of the 压电陶瓷 shall consist of thirteen (13) elected Teacher Education 教师 designated as follows from the licensure levels:
        • Secondary PTEP 2
        • 初级pstep 2
        • 幼儿期1
        • K-12 PTEP(音乐
        • K-12步.E) 1
        • K-12 PTEP (Sp. Ed.) 1
        • K-12 PTEP (Art
        • 学院3
        • 研究生/学士后执照
        • 13
      • 分段b. Only members of the Teacher Education 教师 in good standing may be 当选为临时选举委员会成员. With the exception of members at large, elected members must be affiliated with said PTEP or appropriate licensure program.
      • 分段c. Voting members of the 压电陶瓷 shall be elected by the Teacher Education 教师. The election shall be conducted during the spring term of each academic year. Approximately one-third of voting members shall be elected each year.
      • 分段d. The terms of office for faculty representatives shall be three (3) years, 从当选当年的7月1日开始.
      • 分段e. In case of vacancy or resignation from the 压电陶瓷 during the term, the Chair of the 压电陶瓷 shall request a special election of the Teacher Education 教师 通过教务委员会完成任期.
    • 第三节. 没有投票权的成员
      • 一个分段. Advisory 成员 Advisory members of the 压电陶瓷 are non-voting members who represent non-faculty stakeholders of teacher education.
        • i. Advisory members of the 压电陶瓷 are the dean of the College of Education and Behavioral Sciences or his/her designee, two (2) student members (one undergraduate and one graduate), four (4) public school representatives from partner schools in each licensure program (i.e., Secondary, Elementary, Early Childhood, and K–12), and any other person(s) 由主席经临时选举委员会同意任命.
        • ii. The student members and public school representatives shall be appointed by the dean of the 教育与行为科学学院.
        • 3. The term of advisory members shall be one year beginning July 1 of the academic year appointed, except for the dean of the 教育与行为科学学院 谁将长期担任临时选举委员会成员.
        • iv. In case of vacancy or resignation of an advisory member from the 压电陶瓷 during the term, the dean of the 教育与行为科学学院 will appoint a 更换.
      • 分段b. 当然的成员. Ex-officio members are non-voting members who represent 与教师教育有关的领域.
        • i. Ex-officio members are (1) a faculty representative appointed by the Undergraduate Council (UGC), (2) a faculty representative appointed by the 研究生 Council (GC), and (3) a faculty librarian appointed by the dean of University Libraries.
        • ii. The term of an ex-officio member shall be one year but the member may be reappointed 由委任机构.
        • 3. A majority vote of the 压电陶瓷 shall be required to remove any ex-officio member.
        • iv. In case of vacancy or resignation of an ex-officio member from the 压电陶瓷 during the term, the appointing body will designate a 更换.
  • 第四条:官员
    • 第一节. 军官. The officers of the 压电陶瓷 shall be a chair and a vice-chair.
    • 第二节. 选举. 的副 shall be elected at the first meeting in April each year or at another 会议由有投票权的成员决定. 将选出这一职位的候选人 from the members of the council who have continuing terms on the council.
    • 第三节. 任期. The elected vice-chair shall serve in that position for one year, and then as chair 在接下来的一年里. Terms of office shall begin on July 1 and end on June 30 第二年.
    • 第四节. 临时选举委员会主席的职责. The chair of the 压电陶瓷 shall perform the following duties (or delegate as appropriate): preside over all 压电陶瓷 meetings, including (i) state and put to vote all motions, (ii) enforce all rules of debate, (3) maintain order and decorum, (iv) respond to parliamentary inquiries, points of order, and other motions that require his/her action, and (v) maintain impartiality; facilitate the normal transaction of 压电陶瓷 business, including authenticate by his/her signature, when necessary, any documents relevant to the council; report to the 教师 Senate and submit a written summary of the 压电陶瓷's actions to the 教师 Senate each year before June 30; serve as voting member of the 教师 参议院和学术政策委员会.
    • 第五节. 临时选举委员会副主席的职责. 的副 of the 压电陶瓷 shall perform the 以下职责:
      • 协助主席;
      • 在主席不在时担任主席.
  • 第五条:委员会
    •  第一节. 委员会. The 压电陶瓷 shall have the power to create, charge, and discharge committees, standing 特别的,对它负责.
    • 第二节. 报告. The 压电陶瓷 may schedule regular or special reports from its committees; it may approve such reports in part or as a whole; it may amend them; it may return them to the committee for revision or for additional information or recommendations.
  • 第六条:会议
    • 第一节. 经济合作委员会定期会议. The 压电陶瓷 shall ordinarily meet on the third Thursday of every month during the academic 学年,按学历规定.
      • 一个分段. At the first meeting in the fall, the chair shall present a yearly schedule 的会议.
    • 第二节. 委员会会议. 委员会 of the 压电陶瓷 shall meet at times determined by the members of the committees.
    • 第三节. 经济合作委员会特别会议. Special meetings of the 压电陶瓷 may be called at anytime by the 压电陶瓷 chair. 的副 may call for special meetings in the absence of the chair.
    • 第四节. 法定人数.
      • 一个分段. In all meetings of the 压电陶瓷, the presence of a majority of voting members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
      • 分段b. Ballots in paper or electronic form shall be an acceptable way of reaching 法定人数和开展业务. 不能出席定期会议的会员可提交 a proxy vote through another voting member of the committee. 投票和代理投票 shall be submitted 到压电陶瓷's recording secretary prior to the meeting.
    • 第五节. 议会程序. The current edition of Robert's Rules of Order governs the 压电陶瓷 in any parliamentary situations that are not provided for in the law or in its constitution, bylaws or 采用规则.
    • 第六节. 记录. The 压电陶瓷 shall keep regular minutes and records of their proceedings.
      • 一个分段. 教育与行为学院院长 Sciences shall provide 临时选举委员会的录音秘书.
      • 分段b. The 压电陶瓷's recording secretary shall record, keep, and distribute accurate 会议记录. He or she will also keep files with all documents pertinent 到压电陶瓷.
      • 分段c. 每一个 committee shall keep accurate records of its action items; the committee chair or designated member is responsible for the record keeping.
  • 第七条:修改程序
    •  第一节. 提出修正案. Amendments to these bylaws may be initiated by written petition of at least ten percent (10%) of the Teacher Education 教师 or by four voting members of the 压电陶瓷.
    • 第二节. 通过修正案. Adoption of amendments to these bylaws shall occur by the members of the 压电陶瓷 at any regular or special meeting by a two-thirds vote of voting members, provided that previous notice of the proposed change was given to all 压电陶瓷 members at least five working days 提前.