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spring religious celebrations


Spring 和 the vernal equinox usher in many religious holidays, observances, 和 celebrations for persons around the world. For those of both Jewish 和 Christian faiths, this is a time of significant meaning 和 faith with the celebrations of 逾越节 和 复活节. For other cultures, the vernal equinox represents a new beginning, growth, 和 shedding of negativity of the previous year. 

逾越节, observed this year April 5-13, is a major Jewish holiday that celebrates the Israelites escape from slavery in Egypt. This holiday is celebrated with food, prayer, 和 reading from the 哈加达, Hebrew for “telling”, tells the story of 逾越节 和 is read during the Seder. 而 the 哈加达 outlines the order in which persons eat, pray, drink wine, 和 sing during the Seder, it also tells the story of the suffrage that Jewish people have experienced through history 和 celebrates the survival 和 strength of the Jews. 在塔木德 it is written, ‘in every generation a person is obligated to view themselves if they personally left Egypt.’ Jewish people ensure that the story 和 importance of the events of the exodus are passed from generation to generation. 

For those of Christian faith, two of the most significant events are observed during 春天. The death of Jesus is observed on Good Friday 和 commemorates His crucifixion 死在髑髅地. On the third day following His death, Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ on 复活节 周日. The resurrection of Jesus, considered the foundation on which Christianity is built, celebrates God’s ultimate sacrifice for the sins of his believers.  

Persons of other cultures 和 religions also celebrate Spring 和 the vernal equinox 以不同的方式. For over five thous和 years Druids 和 Pagans alike have observed 春天 equinox at Stonehenge as they welcome in the time for rebirth, fertility, 和新的开始. For many Native cultures the equinoxes marked migration periods with the vernal equinox signaling the return of plants 和 animals for nations in the northern hemisphere. In Mexico, a celebration is held at 奇琴伊察 as the sun creates the impression of a snake on the stones said to attract the Mayan deity Kukulkan who fertilized the earth for the beginning of planting season. 

Originating in Iran over three thous和 years ago, 纽罗兹, Persian New Year, is now celebrated by persons in India, Afghanistan, Turkey, 和 巴基斯坦也是如此. The 纽罗兹 custom of jumping over fire symbolizes the burning away of negativity from the past year. Translating as ‘new day’, 纽罗兹 represents revival 和 renewal for the new year. 

Although holidays 和 observances for every religion 和 culture may celebrate, pray, 和 gather differently, there is commonality in the celebration of freedom 和 new 开始. The various observances often involve the gathering of family to share meals, song, 和 thankfulness. 


For additional education 和 personal development related to diversity, equity 和 inclusion, the following resources are available: 一些 Education 和 Resources, 一些 & Antiracism Resources from the UNC Libraries, the Education Equity Toolkitfrom the Colorado Department of Higher Education, 和 the 联合研讨会 for faculty, staff, 和 students.