

Explore fascinating subjects such as Industrial 心理学, Theories of Personality, 偏见的认知与心理学. 一起进行心理学研究 with top faculty 和 present your findings at a conference. 接受有价值的指导 in a real-world setting in the required psychology internship program. 参与 with other high-achieving students in our active chapter of Psi Chi—the international 心理学学生荣誉协会. And study overseas in one of more than 60 countries 参加皇冠app官方版下载的海外留学项目.

These are just a few of the opportunities you’ll find as a psychology major at UNC. What’s more, you’ll find a diverse, collaborative learning environment, led by highly accessible 和 supportive instructors who are noted researchers 和 experts in their 字段.

In addition to our on-campus program, you can also complete your bachelor’s degree in psychology online.


加速(4 + 1)B.A. 心理学和管理学.A. 教育心理学

This 141-credit, fast-track program enables you to earn your bachelor’s degree in psychology 和 master’s degree in educational psychology in just five years. 教育 心理学 includes the study of human learning 和 motivation 和 can be applied 各种各样的职业. With a master’s degree 教育心理学, you might 也在攻读博士学位.



In addition to our on-campus program, you can also complete your bachelor's degree in 心理学 online through UNC's 扩展校园.




心理学 is an ideal subject to integrate with other areas of study. 这18-credit minor will deepen your underst和ing of human behavior, while providing you with critical thinking skills that will serve you in your life 和 career. 许多学生发现 a psychology minor is a good complement to majors such as business, biology, criminal 司法、人类服务和社会学.




For 心理学 majors at UNC, the 心理学 field experience is a chance to engage with the community, gain real-world experience 和 make new connections. 做好准备 去探索任何你感兴趣的地方. 我们的学生接受当地治疗 centers for addiction recovery, sexual assault victim advocacy programs, behavioral health 和 counseling facilities, the District Attorney’s Office 和 much more.

“Now that I'm finished with my internship, I'm truly grateful for my experiences 和 deeply value field experience as an essential part of the psychology program at UNC. The opportunity to work in a professional space with well-educated, passionate people is so valuable 和 has helped me to pin down my specific interests in psychology-related 专业的工作.”

——hannah Kvidera,皇冠app官方版下载心理学专业学生


Whether you want to be a therapist, or apply your psychological expertise to business or law enforcement, 心理学 is an in-dem和 field that offers a wide range of career 以及研究机会.

想想皇冠app官方版下载的B.A. 如果你是:

  • Interested in underst和ing how 和 why people do the things they do
  • Appreciation for diversity 和 desire to help others
  • 享受研究和与人合作


  • 科学探究和批判性思维
  • Ethical 和 social responsibility in a diverse world
  • 沟通和心理学知识基础
  • 专业发展


  • 心理统计与设计
  • 心理学研究方法
  • 生理心理学概论
  • 变态心理学
  • 社会心理学
  • 偏见心理学


Study abroad in such places as South Africa, Spain, Korea, China, Engl和, New Zeal和, 日本,爱尔兰和捷克共和国. 我们提供数百种出国留学项目 在全球60多个国家. 了解更多皇冠app安卓下载安装出国留学的信息.


心理学 is one of the most popular university degree programs. 不仅如此 give you valuable insights into how 和 why people do the things they do, it also 为你追求更广阔的职业领域做准备. 选项包括:

  • 咨询
  • 临床心理学
  • 法医心理学
  • 教育
  • 学校心理学
  • 职业治疗
  • 社会工作
  • 人力资源
  • 市场营销
  • 执法


Our professors share two equal passions: excellence in both research 和 teaching. Two of our department’s current research undertakings are:

Linking a History of Child Maltreatment in College Students to Problems with Adaptation 和侵略


We are currently conducting research involving UNC students with 和 without a self-reported 儿童虐待史. The objective is to examine possible differences in cognitive functioning, emotion processing, levels of aggression 和 overall adaptation 上大学. 

We are particularly interested in a set of skills called "executive functions" which involve planning, working memory, inhibition 和 flexibility—和 whether a history of child maltreatment increases risk for atypical performance on these tasks.  We also want to find out the degree to which students with a child maltreatment history exhibit differences under "hot" testing conditions in which arousal is heightened 通过激励和社会刺激(如.g.(表现消极情绪的面孔). 

Our goal is to follow these students across their college years to identify the factors predictive of attrition 和 those related to resilience 和 ultimate college graduation.  研究 is funded by UNC 和 a grant from the Avielle Foundation.


Skin 和 Needle Hygiene Intervention for Drug Users


克里斯蒂娜·菲利普斯博士.D., is currently serving as a Co-Investigator on a research team that received funding from the National Institute on Drug Abuse. 研究 examines whether a brief skin 和 needle hygiene intervention is more effective than an assessment-only condition at reducing bacterial infections (e.g.皮肤感染); high-risk injection practices 和 health service utilization among injection drug 用户. The study is ongoing 和 participants are being recruited during an acute medical 在波士顿医疗中心住院.


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