

采购 Department provides the University community with the efficient procurement 确保商品和服务的价值最大化.  采购 Department is responsible for ensuring that all purchases of goods and services are 按照UNC制作 采购规则, 财政规则董事会政策,以及适用的州和联邦政策. 所有购买,无论如何 的资金来源,都受相同政策的约束.

  • 购货入门指引



    • 外部采购:可使用UNC VISA或支票请求
    • Internal Purchases:  Must use Electronic Internal Order (“EIO”) system.



    • $10,000至$49,999:
      • Must be encumbered as a Purchase Order prior to placing the order with the contractor (财政规则)
      • 是否可由部门自行决定处理
    • $50,000或以上:
      • Contact 采购 Department, 351-2287, as soon as the need for the purchase arises.
      • 需要征求过程.
      • Must be encumbered as a Purchase Order prior to placing the order with the contractor (财政规则)


    • $10,000至$49,999:
      • Must be encumbered as a Purchase Order prior to placing the order with the contractor (财政规则)
      • 是否可由部门自行决定处理.
    • $50,000或以上:
      • Contact 采购 Department, 351-2287, as soon as the need for the purchase arises.
      • 需要征求过程.
      • Must be encumbered as a Purchase Order prior to placing the order with the contractor (财政规则)


  • 如何下订单

    For purchases under $10,000, you may directly place your order with the contractor using your UNC VISA or by submitting a check request to Accounts Payable once the 发票到达.

    For all purchases at or exceeding $10,000, a purchase requisition is required prior 到正在进行的购买.  To generate both Regular and Standing Purchase Orders, please complete a 采购申请表. Use a 采购申请表 to initiate the purchase of goods or services. 的 Purchase Requisition must be signed by the person in your department that has FOAP 批准申请单并开始采购流程的权限.

    Once the Purchase Requisition is completed and signed by the FOAP approving official, 您可以通过以下其中一种方式将其转发给采购部门:

    • 将采购申请单上传到投标中,仅限采购申请单” routing status; or
    • 将采购申请单发送至 purchasing@callmela.net

    Once it has been received, the purchasing agent will complete the purchase order process.

    的 purchase order is the official and binding document issued to the contractor authorizing 大学在商品和服务上的支出.

    Regular Purchase Orders are used for a one-time purchase of goods or services that 是否会导致一次付款.

    Standing Purchase Orders are used when a department expects to make repeated purchases 指一段较长时间内的商品或服务.  可以进行多次付款 反对PO.  所有长期采购订单将在每个财政年度结束时关闭 一年.  Should you need to renew your Standing Purchase Order, you must complete the 常备订单转帐表格 并在每年5月31日前交回采购办公室.   

  • 违反财政规则

    A 财政规则 Violation, also known as a Statutory Violation or After the Fact Purchase, is incurred when an order is placed for $10,000 or more, including shipping, prior 到正在建立的采购订单.  未经批准(批准),财政 Rule Violation will result in personal liability for the person placing the order 没有采购订单.

    Should your school or department incur a 财政规则 Violation, you will be required 要完成 违反财政规则及批准书 在向卖方付款之前.  这张表格需要签名 of the party responsible for the violation, the school or department director’s signature, 以及学院院长或地区副院长的签名.  一旦所有的签名都 obtained, the form, along with a signed purchase requisition, needs to be sent to 校园61号信箱的采购处.  届时,将对违规行为进行审查 and, if approved, ratified by the Chief Procurement Officer, the Controller, and the 首席财务官.

    A second (or more) violation in a rolling 12 month period, will also require the signature of your area Vice President on the 财政规则 Violation and Ratification form  prior 到批准.

  • 竞标过程

    Purchases of goods or services costing more than $49,999, require that a solicitation 流程完成.  我们建议,如果您预计购买将超过 the bid threshold, that you contact the 采购 Department as soon as the need 如果出现购买.

    采购 Agent will determine the type of solicitation that will be used.

  • 招标过程的例外情况


    When there is only one source from which to purchase 商品或服务, bidding may 不是必需的. If you believe that your purchase meets this definition, please complete a 唯一来源证明 并报采购办公室审批.  决定是否 商品或服务 meets the requirements to be approved as a sole source rests solely 与采购处联络


    If the good or service is part of an active bid award (the bid was awarded in the last year or the University exercised its right to renew a bid award), then you may reference the Bid Number on your Requisition and a new bid will 不是必需的.


    的re are 16 exclusions to the requirement that a bid be issued for the purchase of 商品或服务.  这些除外条款是:

      1. No University funds, including Agency funds, are expended or the Contract is Revenue-Producing. 的 University shall maximize the return to the University when Revenue-Producing 涉及到合同. 但是,在收入产生合同的情况下 the University is considering more than one vendor, the 采购 Department will 采用竞争性流程.
      2. 采购是在大学和公共实体之间进行的.
      3. 的 Procurement is for 服务 provided by architects, engineers, landscape architects, 工业卫生学家和土地测量师. (见C.R.S. §§24-30-1401至24-30-1407.)
      4. 供应商的物品是为转售而采购的. 但是,这种排除不适用于 为转售给大学其他部门而采购的物品.
      5. 的 Procurement of 服务 from a specific vendor is necessary to comply with the 赞助项目的具体条款和条件.
      6. 本采购为雇佣合同.
      7. 的 Procurement is for land, an interest in land or other real property, water or 采矿权.
      8. 的 Procurement is for insurance policies for the University and its employees.
      9. 的 Procurement is for books and materials, including electronic materials, purchased 查阅大学图书馆的馆藏.
      10. 酒店和机票费用. 在购买这些服务时,购买者应获得 为大学创造最大价值. (注:所有与旅行相关的采购合同 仍然必须由采购部门审核和批准 & 合同部门).
      11. 的 Procurement is for water, gas, electric, and telecommunications services, which 是由大学定期购买的吗.
      12. 的 Procurement is for legal services approved by the University’s General Counsel.
      13. 的 Procurement is for used or pre-owned equipment or vehicles, provided that the 采购 Agent has determined that competition is not practical or would not be 对大学有利.
      14. 采购用于支付会费和/或会员资格.
      15. 的 Procurement is for software license renewals, software maintenance, or upgrades 转至大学现有的软件.
      16. 的 Procurement is for advertising such as in a newspaper, magazine, television commercial, radio advertisement, outdoor advertising, indoor display, social media, or other media outlet where the University brand or programs are being advertised to a specific consumer 段.