
ELPS 550 -教育领导小组教练


This course is available to participants who have completed or are completing requirements of the principal and/or administrator (superintendent/district-level) license, and/or Master’s, 教育专家, or Doctorate in an Educational 领导 or related 程序. Individuals who occupy school or district-level administrative positions 也有资格上这门课吗. 根据执照和学位的工作,参与者 must currently hold a leadership position in an educational organization. 这门课 enables participants to engage in problem solving and skill development through a 训练模型. Participants focus on leadership issues associated with their current position such tasks as the management of educational change, systems analysis, information systems, human resource development, resource planning, and /or operations in educational 机构. Thus, the course differs from the practicum (ELPS 695) or the internship (ELPS 606) as participants are working on skill development related to their current role and not focusing solely on the development of an individual project or activities across the spectrum of state standards for principals or administrators.

辅导的环境(e).g.(如学校系统或政府机构) 参加者目前的学校、地区或组织.  The selection of particular tasks or issues to engage in the 教练ing experience will be identified through discussions between the participants and the 教练.

Participants enrolled in the educational leadership 教练ing meet with their 教练 to share their individual 教练ing plans early in the semester, make at least one progress report, and discuss concerns/challenges during the semester, and culminate their work in the 教练ing through their final reflection and/or an exit interview 和教练一起.


The 教练ing provides opportunities for participants to do the following:

  1. 制定一个有目标的学习计划. (见第4页).)
  2. Engage in small group 教练ing to further their understanding of issues facing a school 系统、政府机构或其他教育计划.
  3. Gain insights into diverse issues faced by educational leaders in different settings.



  1. Identify 目标 and/or issue(s) to be directly engaged in or studied through the 教练ing 会话.
  2. Engage directly in the 教练ing 会话 and follow up activities related 对教练说ing 目标.
  3. 提交一个 期中进度报告 对教练说.
  4. Write a final report of the experience/study and/or have an exit interview with the 教练.


星期1 定位会议
星期2 培训目标和目的/学习计划到期
星期3日- 15日


  • 最低:每月(4次)2学分
  • 最多:两周(8次)3学分



15周 最后反思/书面或口头离职面谈


Participants study educational leadership at UNC are exposed to five domains in which they: (1) develop a personal vision for educational leadership; (2) examine and use modes of inquiry to help them frame problems and gather information; (3) understand organizational culture, communication, and change; (4) explore educational leaders' roles in supervising professionals and developing human potential; and (5) examine influences from the external environment that shape educational policies, structures, 和操作.  Learning experiences of this course contribute directly to participants' understanding of the underlying beliefs of our leadership development 程序 listed below:

      • 人的成长和发展是一生的追求;
      • 组织是更大社会的产物;
      • Learning, teaching, and collegiality are fundamental activities of educational organizations;
      • Validated knowledge and active inquiry form the basis of practice;
      • 道德和伦理要求驱动领导行为;
      • 领导 encompasses a learned set of knowledge, skills, and attitudes;
      • Effective leadership in educational organizations depends on individual and group 努力;
      • Leaders effect positive change in individuals and organizations; and
      • 领导者的行为和行动塑造了他们的信念和价值观.


In general, the courses of this 程序 are designed to prepare and support individuals 担任教育机构的领导. 学习经验是设计好的 to address the skills, competencies, and performance expectations identified by numerous professional organizations and learned societies with an interest in the preparation 教育领导者. 咨询的组织包括美国协会 of School Administrators, the National Association of Elementary School Principals, the National Middle School Association, the National Association of Secondary School Principals, the National Policy Board for Educational Administration, and the University 教育行政委员会.


Learning activities of this course address the licensure standards for principals and administrators established by the Colorado Department of Education and the State 教育委员会.  具体标准的列表可以在 这个网站.


看到 此处的策略、语句和资源.


As an adult learner, it is natural to be self-directed toward a desired goal, whether that is the acquisition of particular knowledge, skills, or a position which requires 特殊知识和技能. 你有机会发展你的领导才能 在当前环境和背景下的知识和技能.  The plan that you will create for 教练ing will outline the objectives, your responsibilities 在这个过程中,以及你的教练.

步骤1. 为本学期的辅导制定两三个目标.

步骤2. Outline any learning resources and strategies that you will use to meet the objectives 你已经发展了.

步骤3. Develop a timeline for accomplishment of your objectives, as well as progress report 还有和教练的最后一次离职面谈.


  • 教师/协调员
  • 其他学习者
  • 主管工作
  • 主题专家
  • 期刊和杂志文章
  • 其他印刷品
  • 音像带
  • 网站、博客和播客


  • 认知训练
  • 咨询协议
  • 反光的协议
  • 反思日志                                                       
  • 观察和书面反思                                                                        
  • 同伴指导                            
  • 专业发展实施
  • 开发网站或组织资源                                     
  • 行动研究项目                         

Participants are advised to share their individualized plan with one or two colleagues 或者主管要求额外的反馈.